発言数 13
00:15:50 ! Pikoyan (Quit: See you...)
00:43:25 + symm (symm!symm@ to #もの書き
00:45:56 ! ash_LOGgetter (Quit: 無問題)
01:16:11 ! shinkurou (Quit: Leaving...)
01:26:35 ! symm (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
01:32:55 + akiraani_ (akiraani_!akiraani@KD119104144175.au-net.ne.jp) to #もの書き
01:34:03 ! H_Aoi (Quit: Leaving...)
01:35:05 ! LizardMen (Quit: カジートが背後を守るよ)
01:36:04 ! akiraani (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
01:59:43 ! SuiSouYa (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
02:32:25 ! syo (Quit: Leaving...)
04:02:28 + symm (symm!symm@ to #もの書き
06:56:43 ! Balyoshi (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
07:45:16 + aspha (aspha!UserID@p249154-ipngn200308otsu.shiga.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
08:10:58 ! imo (Quit: Leaving...)
08:25:12 + MELTDOWN (MELTDOWN!meltdown@p732253-ipngn200605sizuokaden.shizuoka.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
08:43:37 MorrisZZZ -> Morris
08:43:37 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:44:20 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
09:08:21 + H_Aoi (H_Aoi!H_Aoi@182-166-38-164f1.hyg2.eonet.ne.jp) to #もの書き
09:13:55 + Balyoshi (Balyoshi!username@k161241.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) to #もの書き
09:13:55 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:14:39 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
09:19:24 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:21:18 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
09:49:09 + akiraani (akiraani!akiraani@KD119104144175.au-net.ne.jp) to #もの書き
09:51:05 + SuiSouYa (SuiSouYa!SuiSouYa@p3141-ipngn3902marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
09:52:10 ! akiraani_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
09:56:59 + aspha_mobi (aspha_mobi!user@p249154-ipngn200308otsu.shiga.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
10:02:25 + syo (syo!syo@catv078-056.lan-do.ne.jp) to #もの書き
10:02:25 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:03:40 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
10:38:34 ! aspha_mobi (Quit: See you...)
11:01:20 H_Aoi -> H_AoiAFK
11:39:01 ! symm (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
12:09:04 + gelf1983 (gelf1983!gelf1983@EATcf-555p161.ppp15.odn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
12:24:32 ! kairi (Quit: See you...)
12:58:12 + LizardMen (LizardMen!LZD@dhcpg060.gctv.ne.jp) to #もの書き
13:05:56 ! aspha (Quit: See you...)
13:22:31 H_AoiAFK -> H_Aoi
13:23:32 ! syamo (Quit: Leaving...)
13:32:50 + syamo (syamo!syamo@KD125053061189.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #もの書き
13:59:22 ! syamo (Quit: Leaving...)
13:59:59 + syamo (syamo!syamo@KD125053061189.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #もの書き
14:22:40 ! syamo (Quit: Leaving...)
14:25:42 ! gelf1983 (Quit: Leaving...)
14:26:19 + syamo (syamo!syamo@KD125053061189.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #もの書き
15:01:56 ! KITE (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
15:02:46 + KITE (KITE!KITEis@d27-110-98-252.cna.ne.jp) to #もの書き
15:02:46 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
15:04:00 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
15:15:54 H_Aoi -> H_AoiAFK
16:01:58 + gelf1983 (gelf1983!gelf1983@EATcf-555p161.ppp15.odn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
16:30:00 ! gelf1983 (Quit: Leaving...)
16:56:37 ! MELTDOWN (Quit: Leaving...)
17:04:26 ! mikeyama (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
17:32:18 + meltdown (meltdown!meltdown@124-110-108-191.shizuoka.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) to #もの書き
17:46:43 + gelf1983 (gelf1983!gelf1983@EATcf-555p161.ppp15.odn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
17:49:59 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:50:23 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
18:04:15 ! yude (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:04:34 + ponzz_ (ponzz_!ponzz@p1207-ipngn604souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
18:04:48 ! Prof_M (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:04:48 ! hir_CF (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:04:54 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
18:05:16 ! NO_XX (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
18:05:18 + koi-chanSRV0 (koi-chanSRV0!koi-chan@p5197-ipngn4402marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
18:05:26 + NO_XX (NO_XX!anyone-in-@p9103-ipngn801yosida.nagano.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
18:05:41 ! ponzz (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
18:05:46 ! koi-chanSRV (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:06:25 + yude_ (yude_!yude@i118-18-151-176.s41.a031.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
18:06:25 + hir_CF_ (hir_CF_!hir_cf@p896129-ipngn200708kobeminato.hyogo.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
18:07:30 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
18:09:32 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
18:12:23 ! Take-D (Quit: Leaving...)
18:14:45 + Take-D (Take-D!take-d@SODfb-15p4-218.ppp11.odn.ad.jp) to #もの書き
18:14:45 ! Prof_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
18:15:25 ! asahiya_and (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:15:52 + Prof_M (Prof_M!moriarty@i219-167-215-197.s02.a004.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
19:00:11 H_AoiAFK -> H_Aoi
19:00:56 + Kannna (Kannna!kannna@softbank126013097248.bbtec.net) to #もの書き
19:01:01 <Kannna> #こんばんはぁ
19:09:02 <meltdown> こんばんは
19:09:41 <Kannna> どもぉノシ
19:09:57 <Kannna> 今週は、今月分の実家行きいってきましたぁ。
19:10:33 <Kannna> エアコンと室外機の掃除、冷蔵庫内の除菌掃除などなど、あれこれやってきたですぅ。
19:10:55 <Kannna> 母の機嫌が悪かったんで、気疲れがヒドイ(苦笑
19:17:39 + asahiya_and (asahiya_and!yaaic@KD106129123030.au-net.ne.jp) to #もの書き
19:26:02 <asahiya_and> あや。お疲れ様でした>かんなさん
19:26:18 <Kannna> どうもですぅノシ
19:26:46 <Kannna> 父が歯を悪くして、差し歯したんですけど。まだ慣れてなくって、
19:27:08 <Kannna> 母が作る食事の手間が増えたもんだから、機嫌が悪い(困笑
19:27:30 <asahiya_and> ははあ。それはまた……
19:30:36 + noraneco (noraneco!noraneco@g101055163179.d156.icnet.ne.jp) to #もの書き
19:46:39 H_Aoi -> H_AoiAFK
19:46:59 + ash (ash!ash@61-27-134-148.rev.home.ne.jp) to #もの書き
20:08:28 H_AoiAFK -> H_Aoi
20:32:48 <hir_CF_> きたくぬこ
20:33:07 <Kannna> おかえりぃ
20:33:08 + Pikoyan (Pikoyan!UserID@p17192-ipngn4201funabasi.chiba.ocn.ne.jp) to #もの書き
20:37:52 + symm (symm!symm@ to #もの書き
21:14:00 ! Balyoshi (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:15:47 ! symm (Quit: Leaving...)
21:16:26 ash -> _03_Sun
21:26:07 + symm (symm!symm@ to #もの書き
21:37:46 + kairi (kairi!kairi@i118-17-232-89.s41.a030.ap.plala.or.jp) to #もの書き
21:38:33 + imo (imo!imo@ to #もの書き
21:58:34 ! symm (Quit: Leaving...)
22:15:53 + symm (symm!symm@ to #もの書き
22:38:01 + Balyoshi (Balyoshi!username@k161241.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) to #もの書き
23:06:56 ! symm (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
23:09:40 ! Kannna (Quit: Leaving...)
23:23:40 ! Pikoyan (Quit: See you...)
23:34:38 ! akiraani (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:35:19 ! H_Aoi (Quit: Leaving...)
23:44:21 ! gelf1983 (Quit: Leaving...)
23:46:34 ! meltdown (Quit: 皆様に「砂漠の風」のあらんことを)
23:47:58 _03_Sun -> ash