発言数 0
00:01:00 ! KITE (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
03:59:13 ! syo (Quit: Leaving...)
05:08:34 ! jen (Quit: Leaving...)
08:46:15 ! Stella (Remote host closed the connection)
09:00:02 ! kairi (Quit: See you...)
09:02:13 + kairi (kairi!UserID@2405:6587:b220:3a00:f167:dd91:4e57:e031) to #openTRPG
09:02:44 + meltdown (meltdown!meltdown@p5711006-ipoe.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp) to #openTRPG
09:10:14 + KITE (KITE!KITE@d61-11-163-170.cna.ne.jp) to #openTRPG
09:28:49 + Stella (Stella!Stella@2400:4052:4a00:5200:70cf:aaf2:b1d1:3d00) to #openTRPG
11:27:24 + syo (syo!syo@ to #openTRPG
11:31:49 ! Stella (Remote host closed the connection)
12:22:31 ! syo (Quit: Leaving...)
12:36:29 + Stella (Stella!Stella@p2347002-ipoe.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp) to #openTRPG
15:51:56 ! kairi (Quit: See you...)
16:57:43 + kairi (kairi!kairi@2405:6587:b220:3a00:a0ec:2bc9:8225:895e) to #openTRPG
17:17:33 + syo (syo!syo@ to #openTRPG
19:53:11 ! Stella (Remote host closed the connection)
19:55:50 + Stella (Stella!Stella@2400:4052:4a00:5200:4c91:9b04:a8f5:e4f1) to #openTRPG
20:16:13 + jen (jen!jen@i125-201-113-32.s41.a010.ap.plala.or.jp) to #openTRPG
22:00:42 ! meltdown (Quit: 皆様に「砂漠の風」のあらんことを)
23:34:30 ! KITE (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)