発言数 0
00:04:18 koi-chan -> koi-chan[away]
00:36:43 ! dan_ ("Leaving...")
00:48:19 ! athame_ (Client closed connection)
00:48:20 + athame (athame!athame@zaq3d2ed674.zaq.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
00:48:51 Morris -> MorrisZZZ
05:08:48 ! OTE ("Leaving..")
05:17:06 + OTE (OTE!metral@FL1-111-168-138-142.myz.mesh.ad.jp) to #HA06-02
07:16:29 MorrisZZZ -> Morris
07:51:57 Morris -> MorrisWork
11:01:39 koi-chan[away] -> koi-chan
11:26:28 ! athame ("Leaving...")
11:30:32 + athame (athame!athame@zaq3d2ed674.zaq.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
12:55:48 ! koi-chan ("鯉は川底の寝床に帰りましたとさ、おしまい。")
13:04:36 + koi-chan (koi-chan!koi-chan@p1007093-ipngn12301marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
13:11:22 koi-chanSRV0 -> koi-chanSRV
13:11:49 koi-chan -> koi-chan[away]
16:20:23 ! koi-chanSRV ("Leaving...")
16:51:30 + koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV!koi-chan@p1007093-ipngn12301marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
17:34:26 MorrisWork -> Morris
17:43:27 koi-chan[away] -> koi-chan
18:10:55 + koi-chan0 (koi-chan0!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:11:50 + koi-chanSRV0 (koi-chanSRV0!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:12:09 ! koi-chanSRV (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:13:14 ! koi-chan (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:13:25 + koi-chan (koi-chan!koi-chan@p2196117-ipngn17401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:15:19 + koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV!koi-chan@p2196117-ipngn17401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:16:02 + koi-chan1 (koi-chan1!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:17:12 ! koi-chan0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:17:13 ! koi-chanSRV0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:17:53 + koi-chanSRV0 (koi-chanSRV0!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:19:41 ! koi-chan (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:19:43 ! koi-chanSRV (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:23:15 + koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:23:22 + koi-chan (koi-chan!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:24:15 ! koi-chanSRV0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:24:39 ! koi-chan1 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:26:38 + koi-chan0 (koi-chan0!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:27:36 + koi-chanSRV0 (koi-chanSRV0!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:29:09 ! koi-chan (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:29:28 ! koi-chanSRV (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:31:01 + koi-chan (koi-chan!koi-chan@p2205014-ipngn17401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:31:19 + koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV!koi-chan@p2205014-ipngn17401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:33:55 ! koi-chanSRV0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:34:17 ! koi-chan0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:40:12 + koi-chan0 (koi-chan0!koi-chan@p2280071-ipngn17701marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:41:27 + koi-chan1 (koi-chan1!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:42:04 + koi-chanSRV0 (koi-chanSRV0!koi-chan@ to #HA06-02
18:43:23 ! koi-chanSRV (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:43:26 ! koi-chan (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:44:08 + koi-chan (koi-chan!koi-chan@p2300144-ipngn17701marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:45:10 ! koi-chan0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:46:01 + koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV!koi-chan@p2300144-ipngn17701marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
18:46:47 ! koi-chan ("ルーター初期化につき切断。")
18:47:20 ! koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV)
18:47:55 ! koi-chan1 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
18:47:56 ! koi-chanSRV0 (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
19:14:05 + koi-chan (koi-chan!koi-chan@p2205025-ipngn17401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
19:16:49 + meltdown (meltdown!meltdown@124-110-118-72.shizuoka.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
19:17:04 + koi-chanSRV (koi-chanSRV!koi-chan@p2205025-ipngn17401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
19:58:10 + H_Aoi (H_Aoi!H_Aoi@180-144-62-150f1.hyg2.eonet.ne.jp) to #HA06-02
20:28:47 koi-chan -> koi-chan[furo]
20:43:08 + dan_ (dan_!dan@softbank126048046160.bbtec.net) to #HA06-02
21:16:45 koi-chan[furo] -> koi-chan
21:39:00 arca_ -> arca_aw
22:37:52 ! meltdown ("皆様に「砂漠の風」のあらんことを")
23:46:02 ! Toyolina (Client closed connection)
23:53:49 + Toyolina (Toyolina!Toyolina@115-39-67-23.mie1.commufa.jp) to #HA06-02