発言数 0
03:21:53 ! okaits7534 (Quit: okaits7534)
12:17:30 + okaits7534 (okaits7534!Thunderbir@240d:1c:177:da00:0:1d6e:7534:2) to #cre
12:45:01 + okaits7535 (okaits7535!Thunderbir@240d:1c:177:da00:0:1d6e:7534:2) to #cre
12:46:28 ! okaits7534 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:46:28 okaits7535 -> okaits7534
12:52:14 ! okaits7534 (Quit: okaits7534)
12:52:16 + okaits7535 (okaits7535!Thunderbir@fp9875addc.aicf003.ap.nuro.jp) to #cre
12:54:43 okaits7535 -> okaits7534
12:55:45 ! okaits7534 (Remote host closed the connection)
12:59:39 + okaits7534 (okaits7534!Thunderbir@240d:1c:177:da00:0:1d6e:7534:2) to #cre
16:25:47 ! akiraa___ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:26:07 + akiraani (akiraani!akiraani@KD111239174184.au-net.ne.jp) to #cre
16:28:28 ! akiraani (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:28:48 + akiraani (akiraani!akiraani@KD111239174184.au-net.ne.jp) to #cre
20:18:51 + SiIdeKei_ (SiIdeKei_!SiIdeKei@ to #cre
20:18:51 ! SiIdeKei (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:52:37 + SiIdeKei (SiIdeKei!SiIdeKei@ to #cre
20:52:38 ! SiIdeKei_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:49:17 + ash_ (ash_!ash@61-27-158-107.rev.home.ne.jp) to #cre
21:59:09 ash_ -> M28C_Goldy
23:46:14 ! M28C_Goldy (Quit: Leaving...)