発言数 0
00:23:14 ! M12B_Amne (Quit: Leaving...)
04:45:04 ! ponzz (Quit: Leaving...)
05:38:21 + C-Tail_vz (C-Tail_vz!ctl@p78b59f.miygnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
05:40:14 + kairi_ (kairi_!UserID@2405:6587:b220:3a00:1ceb:2956:d0dd:c454) to #ぱそ
05:40:18 ! kairi (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
07:51:37 + C-Tail_v_ (C-Tail_v_!ctl@p78b59f.miygnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
07:55:03 ! C-Tail_vz (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
09:46:58 + ponzz (ponzz!ponzz@pl18844.ag2525.nttpc.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
11:01:47 + SiIdeKei (SiIdeKei!SiIdeKei@ to #ぱそ
11:03:09 ! SiIdeKei_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
13:59:29 + kairi (kairi!UserID@2405:6587:b220:3a10:2449:b584:56fb:a802) to #ぱそ
18:08:18 ! kairi (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:42:22 + SiIdeKei_ (SiIdeKei_!SiIdeKei@ to #ぱそ
18:42:22 ! SiIdeKei (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:08:11 + ash (ash!ash@61-27-158-107.rev.home.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
22:28:49 ash -> Flamme