発言数 0
00:05:40 ! M28C_Goldy (Quit: Leaving...)
00:41:03 ! jen_nise (Quit: Leaving...)
03:29:26 + impulse_ (impulse_!impulse@2400:2410:9320:200:d108:1f29:880b:a2) to #openTRPG
03:31:15 ! impulse (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
04:28:15 ! syo (Quit: Leaving...)
06:24:56 + kairi_ (kairi_!UserID@2405:6587:b220:3a00:9085:936d:2ed:93d9) to #openTRPG
07:01:15 ! kairi (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
08:02:16 + meltdown (meltdown!meltdown@ to #openTRPG
09:24:46 + jen_nise (jen_nise!jen_nise@am172094.f.east.v6connect.net) to #openTRPG
11:09:36 ! Yaduka (Quit: Leaving...)
11:10:51 + Yaduka (Yaduka!Yaduka@madb688448.ap.nuro.jp) to #openTRPG
11:47:42 + okaits7534 (okaits7534!Thunderbir@240d:1c:177:da00::2) to #openTRPG
12:29:49 + syo (syo!syo@ to #openTRPG
15:38:54 ! okaits7534 (Remote host closed the connection)
15:41:47 ! kairi_ (Quit: See you...)